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-Famous Quotes-

"Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was
loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our
Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."   Ancient Indian Proverb

"We are ready for an unforeseen event that may or may not occur." -Former
U.S. VP Dan Quayle

"The president has kept all of the promises he intended to keep." -George

"If you've seen one Redwood tree, you've seen them all." -Forestry Expert
Ronald Reagan

"Traditionally, most of Australia's imports come from overseas." -Former
Australian cabinet minister Keppal Enderbery

"It is wonderful to be here in the great state of Chicago." -Dan Quayle

"The internet is a great way to get on the net." -Bob Dole

"I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have was
that I didn't study latin harder in school so I could converse with those
people." -Dan Quayle

"We're going to turn this team around 360 degrees." -Jason Kidd, upon his
drafting to the Dallas Mavericks

"Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and
child." -Dan Quayle on Republican family values
"Smoking kills, and if you're killed, you've lost a very important part of
your life." -Anti-smoking spokesperson Brooke Shields

"The police are not here to create disorder, they're here to preserve
disorder." -Former Chicago mayor Daley during the infamous 1968 convention

"The streets are safe in Philadelphia, it's only the people that make them
unsafe." -Former Philadelphia mayor and police chief Frank Rizzo

"It is bad luck to be superstitious." -Andrew Mathis

"He was a man of great statue." -Boston mayor Thomas Menino on former mayor
John Collins

"I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the
president." -Hillary Clinton commenting on the release of subpoenaed

"When more and more people are thrown out of work, unemployment results."
-Former U.S. President Calvin Coolidge

"China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese." -Former French
President Charles De Gaulle

"The loss of life will be irreplaceable." -Former U.S. VP Dan Quayle on the
San Francisco earthquake

"It is necessary for me to establish a winner image. Therefore I have to
beat somebody." -Richard Nixon

"When I have been asked during these last weeks who caused the riots and
the killing in L.A., my answer has been direct and simple: Who is to blame
for the riots? The rioters are to blame. Who is to blame for the killing?
The killers are to blame." -Dan Quayle on the complex social issues behind
the L.A. Riots

"Half this game is ninety percent mental." -Philadelphia Phillies manager
Danny Ozark

"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in
our air and water that's doing it." -Dan Quayle

"What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very
wasteful. How true that is." -Dan Quayle at a fundraising event. He was
attempting to quote the line "a mind is a terrible thing to waste."

"I support efforts to limit the terms of members of Congress, especially
members of the House and members of the Senate." -Dan Quayle

"The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history...this
century's history... We all lived in this century. I didn't live in this
century." -Dan Quayle, then Indiana senator during a news conference in
which he was asked his opinion of the Holocaust

"It's about 90 percent strength and 40 percent technique." -Johnny Walker,
world middleweight wrist-wrestling champion, on what it takes to be a champ

"I'm wearing these gloves for my hands." -Yogi Berra, when asked why he was
wearing gloves

"He fakes a bluff." -Ron Fairly, Giants broadcast announcer

"Me and George and Billy are two of a kind." -Mickey Rivers, Texas Rangers
outfielder, on his warm relationship with Yankee owner Steinbrenner and
manager Billy Martin

"Even Napoleon had his Watergate." -Danny Ozark, commenting on the
Phillies' ten-game losing streak

"I love California. I practically grew up in Phoenix." -Dan Quayle

"I was proud the other day when both Republicans and Democrats stood with me in the
  Rose Garden to announce their support for a clear statement of purpose: you disarm,
  or we will." --George W. Bush, Oct. 5, 2002, Re Iraq debate in Congress "